

金融海嘯攪到信貸緊縮,銀行冇錢所以向政府求救。政府又因為 D 金融機構唔救就有經濟冇啖好食嘅預期連鎖反應,焗住要幫拖。如果當政府都冇錢,咁點算?


一般嘅講法話政府冇錢可以印銀紙。咁其實係咁印銀紙,D 錢咪唔卿香囉?D 紙唔經貴,匯價就會跌。咁如果當全世界都係咁印銀紙,各地匯價亦徧低,此消彼長下,邊度 D 錢仲會貴?


睇嚟,一早已經係零息嘅日本紙就係關鍵。日本紙一向都以低息出晒名。當全球各地貨幣都話減息,匯價趨跌,都冇晒 expectation 嘅日圓仲有咩息可以減?(除非負利率嘅唧)所以結果嘛,日本紙相對就會升。

維京人今晚做乜講匯市?冇嘅,因為今晚日圓又行車喇,寫呢篇 post 嘅時候美元兌日圓報 93.73,係呢兩個禮拜嘅低位。即係話日本紙係呢兩個禮拜嘅高位。

另一種大家預期會升嘅貨幣就係廣受大家歡迎嘅人仔﹣人民幣。之不過,預期佢升係因為希望內地經濟可以持續增長。但經過呢嘢金融海嘯,內地保唔保到八竟然成為一個議題。結果今日人民幣唔同你談情,自己卻跳舞,錄得自 2005年匯外以嚟嘅最大跌幅。美元兌人民幣中間價連續三個交易日上漲,今日報 6.8505,較上一個交易日上漲 156個基點,亦係八月以嚟最高嘅水平。

今日公布嘅內地 11月官方採購經理人指數同埋11月里昂採購經理人指數全面收縮,甚至錄得歴史新低,情況都唔可以話唔嚴峻。救市係咪可以對抗市場嘅力量?有待觀察。

股市同經濟短期其實未必有直接嘅關係,今日港股同內地 A 貨就好爭氣咁報升,算係咁咯。恆生指數收報 14108點,連升四日,升咗 220點或1.59﹪。上證指數則升 23點或1.25﹪,報1894點。

今晚美股食完火雞同屋企人感完恩,返嚟開跌。由於零售業旺丁唔旺財,大家 predict 嚟緊嘅經濟長衰長有,加上擔心下一輪嘅危機輪到信用卡危機,而且 ISM 制造業跌到26年嚟嘅新低。喺寫呢篇 post 嘅時候杜指暴跌超過 380點,跌幅超過 4%。如果直到聽朝收市都唔能夠抽返上嚟,睇嚟聽日亞太區股市都難逃一刧。


2 則留言:

匿名 說...

The truth is in the market, even if it behaves in an illogical way. All theories suggests that USD/JPY should drop and there should be hyperinflation.

But why it isnt the case right now? Because like it or not, USD is the safest investment right now.

800 billion or 2 trillion bailout will not cause inflation, it will not make USD weak, it will only "cancel" the debt or any other mishaps that US company is in. Foreign companies? sorry... bad luck.

Most of the extra electronic money will not go out into the market, they will not go into the commodities market to hike up oil/whest/corn/rice/coffee/copper/bronze price to increase inflation. The money will go directly into the balance sheet and becomes zero.

This is te moment where everything will change, from the spending habit of US consumers, the risk rating by the banks, the over leveraged hypr of the funds.

Everything will be back to basic, banks will never be as lucrative as in the past 5 years. The i-banking dream will be a thing in the past (well... for at least 5-10 years)


市場維京人 說...

Agree with "the i-banking dream will be a thing in the past". It seems people will forget the pain after then, and become more leverage again.


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