

上次奧巴馬嘅救市方案,有驚無喜,只有縮皮,市場失望到死。結果道指尋晚跌成差唔多 300點。唔知係咪花旗國政府發覺救市措施救完等如無救,今日奧把馬又出嚟講嘢。

奧巴馬宣布 750億美元救樓市,最多九百萬業主受惠,仲擴大兩房注資。筆錢唔知係唔係救市措施嘅一部份,但今次嘅做法係方向正確嘅。

家下最驚人供唔起樓,一斷供,銀行呆壞帳又差,信貸會萎縮,借錢難生意就難做,經濟唔會好,股市唔會升。所以必需要保住 D 人供得起樓。保就業係其中一招,但行動要快先有用,相信家下好多人已經被裁。直接注資俾業主唔好斷供,效果應該會快趣做到。

美股受消息影響,道指期貨一度升咗差唔多 80點。但啱啱開咗市,又唔係點升咁喎。可能市場亦要時間消化有關嘅消息對實質經濟有幾大幫助都未定。

外匯方面,反而美元可能受消息刺激,美元兌日圓升番上 93.32,如果想復活節去日本賞櫻嘅朋友可以話係好消息。小弟睇今次反彈應該返唔到去 100。

家下歐羅做緊 1.2564 左右,果然跌破 1.27 後仲有得跌,市場驚鬼咗東歐嘅經濟有機會影響埋西歐嗰面。今次又睇下歐羅可唔可以挑戰 1.23?維京人呢兩日略作短炒,逢高沽歐羅,一晚炒一兩轉每次執二三十點子,好過冇。

咁嘅市況,特別多妖孽。美國繼馬多夫事件後,又傳出德洲富商走去呃人錢,仲高達80 億美元,真係大數目。希望唔好再有咁多呢類騙子事件啦。


放完假後開始進入狀態睇番個市,歐遊紀錄 weekend 再續吖。

0: 初一開始遇厄運
1: 阿姆斯特丹感覺: 運河、單車、大麻、紅燈區、仲有花。
2: 好荷蘭感覺但有點造作的 Zaanse Schans


維京人近排仲開多咗個 blog ,講跑步嘅(健康嘛)。有興趣可以 click 去睇下,鼓勵下維京人吖。



4 則留言:

L L 說...


市場維京人 說...


Plau 說...


I am sorry you are again wrong this time. Obama's plan is just like 美沙酮. only can keep US stock above 7000 and nasdaq above 1400 for 2 mo.

Again, pls D.B.M. U.U.B. A.A.M.D.
for full version pls see yesterday post.

市場維京人 說...

Parker C.J. Lau,

Ha Ha, thanks a lot for your comment on I am again wrong this time.

Actually, I am not sure what wrong I am you are mentioning about. I think you are talking about the Obama's new housing policy?

I agree with you that Obama's plan is just like 美沙酮, but in such bad economic environment, it can buy time for the US government to plan other saving econ policies. And, comparing to the last time's plan, the effort of this time is larger and I think it's a good start. 治亂世用重典,救難灘子要出重手。That's why I said 奧巴馬今次救得正確,that doesn't mean DOW will rise after Obama's new plan on housing.

There was Da Vinci Code and currently we have Parker C.J. Lau Code. Ha ha, don't worry, I think the readers / visitors here are all having independent thinking and they will be responsible for their own investment decision.

Wishing you can continue to leave us comments, that's great. Thanks!



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