




維京人呢個假期外遊,可能呢兩個禮拜都唔能夠 update blog post 咯。希望各位新一年賺多 D!

感謝 Fai 嘅相片。

9 則留言:

N/A 說...

恭喜發財 !
身體健康 !
旅稟愉快 !

阿湯 說...


eric 說...

恭喜發財 !心想事成!

Unknown 說...


imak 說...

恭喜發財!!!! 牛年行好運發大財!!! 心想事成工作順利!!!

ps. 希望你去完旅行返黎個市會有起色!!!

Plau 說...


市場維京人 說...

Hi 咁多位,多謝晒呀。
Good luck!

Betty 說...

Tag U:

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Betty

2. A four Letter Word : Best

3. A boy's Name : Bryan

4. A girl's Name : Bessie

5. An occupation : Bartender

6. A color : Brown

7. Something you'll wear : Bra

8. Something you'll do : Bullshit

9. A food : Bread

10. Something found in the bathroom : Baby oil

11. A place : Berlin

12. A reason for being late : Bath

13. Something you'd shout : Better fuck off

14. A movie title : Beauty and the Beast

15. Something you drink : Bloodymary

16. A musical group : Beyond

17. An animal : Bird

18. A street name : Baker street

19. A type of car : Benz

20. The title of a song : Because I love you

市場維京人 說...

要諗 V 開頭嘅英文字即係要我去死啫。好難喎 ......


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